Did this today in math class when I had time on my hands. A guy in my math group. It was a quick sketch, so there are some parts out of proportion, but I didn't want to spend too much time on it. (Excuses, excuses.... )
Done after a character in a book.
This is a little more recent.
Also done after a picture in a book.
A study of human anatomy. I'll try to get a better quality picture here soon.
Did this quite a while ago. ...I was going to wait until I updated my scanner, but I decided to give up and use a digital camera instead.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
I havn't been able to update lately because my scanner isn't working, but I will do it soon! In the meantime, I've been working hard on improving my skills and technique, so hopefully the next ones you see will be much better!