Monday, December 27, 2010

Green + Red

I've been going through a very uninspired blah phase... and suddenly last night instead of putting my tired self to bed, I pulled out my tablet and started blitzdoodling... 

Sunday, December 05, 2010

A day in Seattle...

 Yesterday was the annual drawing jam at the Gage Academy of Art. Melanie, Jesse and I spent the better part of a day there drawing various models... and enjoying the free food.

Details of portraits of costumed models.

So sad... it wrinkled.

Later, I put my iPod on shuffle.... and Mr. Tambourine Man started playing. So I drew this. He is Mr. Tambourine Man, although probably not the one Bob Dylan was thinking of.

And Lucky by Jason Mraz.

And then we sat down to sip coffee and wait for our ride... Melanie and I carried on the tradition of drawing each other at the end of the day.