Thursday, July 30, 2009

figure studies - value and temperature

These were all done last week. Oil on canvas sheets.

still life value & temperature study

 Did this earlier in the course. Oil on canvas sheet.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

self-portrait in progress

This was a study in complementary sets of color. I used mostly the orange-blue set, adding a little red here and there. Oil on canvas sheet.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

figure in progress- 3 and 6 hours

The first and second days of a three-day pose. Charcoal and pastel on pre-toned paper.

cast drawing in progress

I finished the block-in and began rendering today. Done in graphite.

apple still life

Charcoal, pastel, and chalk on pre-toned paper.

figure study 2

Charcoal and graphite on toned paper.

figure study 1

Charcoal and graphite on toned paper.

pear still life

My first project at the Gage Academy course in Seattle.

Done in graphite.By the time I was done, the pear had ripened very nicely.